For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
There are all kinds of ways to use your gifts, talents and time to build the Kingdom. Let us know you are interested in serving and we will get you plugged in!
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Volunteering is vital to the ministries of Anderson First Church and the Community Center @ AFC. We have everything from greeting, coffee shop, Clothes Closet, Blessing Boxes, writing cards, doing physical labor, building and grounds, Community Garden, teaching, being an extra set of hands, leading a Small Group, Prayer team and more! Take the first step and let us know you're ready to volunteer. We will help you find a spot!
How do I volunteer with kids?
Volunteers in the Children's, Nursery and Youth areas are vital to these ministries. Before volunteering in any of these areas, Ministry Safe training and background check are necessary as well as being a regular attender for at least 6 months. Safety is very important to us and because of that, these steps are necessary and required.
How do I volunteer with music?
With three services on Sunday morning at the main campus, there is always a need for talented musicians. Whether it is playing an instrument, singing on the praise team, joining the choir, running sound or tech, there is a place for you at Anderson First Church.
I love discipleship and teaching others about Jesus!
Whether it is leading a Small Group, teaching a Sunday School class, being an assistant in a class, or even just filling in as a substitute, teachers are a vital part of teaching others more about Jesus and helping in growing deeper in their relationship with Christ.